Fountain Designs
Think of fountain designs for your location like snowflakes… no two are exactly alike. If your backyard space is limited, or you want to make a statement near the entry to your home, think about a stunning solitary fountain.
Get creative…incorporate fountains in your overall waterscape design with a variety of options such as a custom water garden, a disappearing water feature, a babbling brook or a pondless waterfall with underwater lighting. On-site consultation with one of our design experts will guide you through lots of possibilities that will be custom-fitted to your property.
A money-saving idea! Integrate your new fountain design with a timer or remote that you can operate from inside your home to suit your busy schedule. The pleasant sound of water as it bubbles from the fountains over landscape rocks can help block background noise and enhance the tranquility of your outdoor living space.
Contact us or visit our retail center to check out countless fountain designs, styles and décor choices from rock to stainless steel or pottery. You’ll find selections and accessories to make your life a little more peaceful and relaxing.